Explore Dance Program
Ages 5-6 and 7-8
All of the classes in our Explore Dance Program utilize our own unique, child-centered curriculium.
We meet our students in their world, a world filled with stories, magic and make believe.
Small class sizes and individualized attention mean your child gets personalized learning that meets them where they are.
Cumulative curicculium keeps them learning in a manner that is age appropriate and developmentally sound.
A joyful studio atmosphere that fosters friendships in students and their families alike. Special classes, events and performances ensure there is always something exciting just around the corner!
Every dancer matters at CQSA! They all deserve their chance to shine and we make sure they receive just that.
We aren't training cookie cutter dancers,
We celebrate each child's
Explore Combo Classes
Purple Ages 5-6
Teal Ages 7-8
A great way to get a taste of multiple disciplines of dance in one class!
Ballet/Tap Combo Classes
Classes are one hour long and meet once a week. The class will consist of 30 mins of ballet training and 30 minutes of tap training weekly.
Hip Hop/Tumbling Combo Classes
Classes are one hour and long and meet once a week.
High energy, family friendly hip hop moves for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of basic floor tumbling skills means fun for all!
Pom Pom Jazz and Tumble Combo
Classes are one hour long and meet once a week.
30 mins of super fun, highly energetic "dance team" style jazz dance (with poms of course) combined with 30 mins of basic floor tumbling, and cheer stunts will have your dancer cheering Hurray!
Explore Level
Class Times
Explore Purple Combo Classes (ages 5-6)
Ballet/Tap Monday @ 5pm
Ballet/Tap Tuesday @ 5pm
Ballet/Tap Saturday @ 11am
Hip Hop/Tumble Wednesday @ 6pm
Pom Jazz/Tumble Friday @ 6pm
Explore Teal Combo Classes (ages 7-8)
Ballet/Tap Tuesday @ 5pm
Ballet/TapThursday @ 6pm
Hip Hop/TumbleTuesday @ 7pm
Hip Hop/Tumble Wednesday @ 5pm
Pom Jazz/Tumble Friday @ 6pm